Tag Archives: geothermal

Stewart Brand’s 4 Environmental Heresies

I’ve been a reader of, and kind of a fan of, Stewart Brand for just about 40 years now, since the first Whole Earth Catalog came out while I was in college. To me he stands for the long-term component of so-called “hippie” values that have since become mainstream, because they make sense. Among them, caring for the environment.

So that makes it more interesting to me when he comes out in a TED talk with some surprisingly new thoughts on the environment, now and in the future, and how we need to change behavior to solve major problems.  For an amazing 30-second video clip, a train cohabiting the slums with people, make sure you get to the seventh minute in the presentation below.


This is a 16 minute talk. If you can’t see the video here, then you can click this link to get it at the main TED site.

Which — going to the source site — might be a good idea, regardless; there are some very interesting, informed comments below that video. These are important topics, not to be taken lightly, not obvious in any way.