When You Need Valuation Numbers

The best readily-available valuation of business consulting services is 1.12 times annual sales. For automotive repair shops, it’s .41 times annual sales. Physical fitness facilities are going for .66 times gross annual profit. Grocery stores are going for .28 times annual sales, and sporting goods stores for .34 times annual sales.

There’s a valuation report in Inc Magazine’s April issue that turned me on to Business Valuation Resources, which sells information like the above, culled from data on actual transactions.  I registered (free) to get a free download of a complex chart — sophisticated, innovative, imaginative, but really hard to read. And I gather that the underlying data isn’t cheap, because I can’t find anywhere to send you for a link to the data table, industry by industry, that I used to do the snippets in my first paragraph. 

Conclusion: if you’re dealing with valuation, this could be a good resource. Valuation information is something like insurance account numbers: you don’t need it very often, but when you need it, you really need it. Like when you want to sell your company, or sell part of your company, or predict valuation as part of an investment negotiation, or when there’s a divorce, and … well, you get it.

Gripe: once they’ve published the data and put it out into the world as hard copy, can I get it online somewhere? Oh yeah, I get it, there’s value to the data. Tough call for BVR, how much do you give away to promote your data?

One thought on “When You Need Valuation Numbers

  1. avenuegirl – Jill Carpenter is the owner of a small video business and an entrepreneur. She is no stranger to the high demands of others. Her desire to help and serve others has provided her a steady career of over 20 years as a customer service professional in the restaurant industry. Very thrifty, and a “Jill of all trades”, Jill aspires to help other entrepreneurs to find ways to creatively and economically bring their ideas and inventions to market. Jill is currently involved in the creation of new products and services to aid others in their pursuit of internet marketing.
    avenuegirl says:

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