Whoops, my Bad: Blogging Tool Fail

Whoops! Sorry. If you came here for ‘what I got from my business education,’ the confusion related to that title was my mistake. I posted the title accidentally, then deleted it. If you’re interested, I covered that topic in 2007 with reflections on My MBA Experience.

What happened was that I was changing options on my Windows Live Writer (which I use often and really like, by the way) on a new computer, using a new version, and I clicked too fast and accidentally posted something that was just that title: what I got from my business education.

Then, realizing my mistake, I quickly deleted it.

Meanwhile, two different well-meaning twitter friends tweeted it. I think they have some automatic settings. And that, I assume is how you got here.

And I’m enjoying the irony: for a while there, several hours, you could have clicked a link referencing me as the author of “what I got from business education,” and found the result was … nothing!

I am cynical, I do like to be contrarian, but that nothing that was there, a “page doesn’t exist” error, is not really my assessment of what I got from business education. I promise.

I was drafting something about that, which might still materialize, maybe in tomorrow’s post.

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