The Outriders

Do you think this is true: education trains people to do what’s been done before. It’s essentially a system that reinforces conformity and the way things have always been done.

The new ideas and true innovations are more likely to come from the outcasts, weirdos, and loners than from the good students.

Do you think?

5 thoughts on “The Outriders

  1. It's an interesting concept, but my take this morning is no. Sometimes what happens is that you have your entrepreneurial idea right in the middle of school, or even before it. And then you only have X days or months before someone has done it instead of you, so that urgency confuses the issue.

    But if you look at the history of serial entrepreneurs i think it shows that experience and education is like having a sharper sword or better armor in a battle.

  2. I would say no. Education gives people the tools they need to succeed, especially in a world where specialization and niche skills are vital.

    I think there is a stronger correlation with the ability of an individual to take a risk and leave certain comfort zones as opposed to education. Most people, by their own nature, have more of a "follow the mob" mentality and you see this in many facets of their lives, not just professionally. I think individuals choose to keep themselves conformed to the system, rather than the system forcing people to conform to it.

  3. This is a great piece for all individuals in all businesses, whether new or old. Print this one and frame it folks. Whether you like attorneys in general or not, find a competent, reasonably priced one you like and have him prepare your document (best) or at least have him him review it. We can't do business on a hand shake anymore, or even a document that we draw up ourselves.

    I have been a business attorney, entrepreneur, owner and operator for over thirty years. In spite of that, I have made all of the mistakes set out in Tim's piece many times.

    Caution: A well drafted document cannot cover everything and will make a deal fall apart regardless of initial agreement between the parties if the attorneys start to wrangle over meaningless wording or try to cover to many contingencies. You are employing the attorney. You have the right to tell him when and where to stop. If you don't keep control, you will endanger you deal and run up excessive attorney fees.

  4. I believe the good student can also be that outcast and vice versa. The labels we put on individuals though only has revelance it seems if you succeed. If you failer, your label is only but that you failed. But whatever society categorizes you as, shooting for your dreams no matter who you are is the best option, because whether you succeed or not, you can at least say that you tried and gave it your heart.

  5. What if you viewed an education as getting to the point where you can stand on the shoulders of those who have come before PLUS getting enough background information so you can make informed decisions ALONG WITH developing something of your own identity so you can either do what has been done before or you can go the route of the rebel / outcast / innovator as the situation at hand requires? When I see the word education I think schools … elementary, high school, college, etc … but education does not end at those points and may only really begin when those are finished.

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