Llama Packing with Family

A bit off my beaten track today, at least for this blog, but I’ve got a personal note: Llama Packing with the kids, from MommyCEO, which is about where I was earlier this week, delightfully outside of cellphone and email range in the Oregon Cascades. Due to the magic of scheduling posts, my blogging continued while I was enjoying a great time with family and some new friends.

While I’m not particularly anxious to relate this to business, Sabrina’s post offered this connection:

So what does any of this have to do with MommyCEO? Why am I writing this post on my blog? I see parallels between the work it takes to keep a group of people not just surviving, but happy, in the wilderness, and keeping a small business not just surviving but thriving in the real world. For both cases you need to:

  1. Plan
  2. Follow the plan
  3. Adjust the plan as necessary based on obstacles that come up
  4. Plan for the worst, but keep the focus on achieving the best
  5. Juggle multiple things at once – 24 hours a day
  6. Be able to step back, look at the big picture, and enjoy the successes

…and of course, literally, plan as you go.

And then on the other hand, there’s also the obvious fact — my guess is that almost everyone agrees — that a few days outside of cellphone range and email, once in a while, is a really good thing.

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