Creativity Contest: Fun Way to Say Business Planning. With Prizes.

Here’s a challenge: Donna Maria of INDIEBusiness asked: what’s a fun way to say business planning? That’s the tweet you see here, which I saw a few minutes ago as I sat down looking at the Willamette River drinking my coffee and starting my day. tweet

I think I know exactly what she means. Business planning should be vibrant, creative, flexible, rapidly changing, as fun as writing a story and then figuring the steps to make that story come true. But when you say “business plan” way too many people shudder, thinking of a long boring task leading to a long useless document. Dry and boring, like she says.

But then think of some time in your life when you were dreaming about something you wanted to make happen. “Gee, maybe we could … ” is a fun way to think. “And what about if we …” That’s brainstorming, problem solving, inventing new things. “And then we could …” And it’s strategy as focus, finding your identity, building a new life, controlling your destiny.

There are many different meanings for the phrase “business plan.” That’s too bad, because a lot of people think of that dry boring thing and miss the fun thing.

I answered her tweet with one of my own, keying on the idea of dreaming, but Donna Maria has a deeper point: the phrase is worn out. We need a new one. What’s a better way to say “business planning” that doesn’t sound like the dumb old fashioned business plan?

So let’s call it a contest, and give it a prize: I’ve got a free copy of Business Plan Pro Premier edition, or a year of, or a year of emailcenterpro use (your choice) for anybody who can come up with a fun way to say “business planning.” I mean a new, interesting, better phrase. I titled my last book The Plan As You Go Business Plan, but honestly, I want something better than that. One, two or three words.

Send me your suggestions on twitter with @timberry, or use this form.

4 thoughts on “Creativity Contest: Fun Way to Say Business Planning. With Prizes.

  1. “I think contest is right on the money. The second business I started up was the direct result of a University business plan competition I never intended to start up the business, it was simply a fun thing to do to enter the contest. After positive feedback, we were able to get funding and start up the business.

    If you are a university student, there are a lot of business plan competitions. Not only is it a good exercise, you can win some start-up money and funding. Even if you are not a university student, there are business plan competitions out there for you.”

    1. Tim Berry – Eugene, OR – Founder and chairman of Palo Alto Software, founder of bplans, co-founder of Borland International, Stanford MBA, author of books and software on business planning and startups, baby boomer, exhippy, married 54 years, father of five.
      Tim Berry says:

      Thanks for the reminder Katie. The results so far are the comments you see on this post. I haven’t followed up because I don’t think we have an answer or suggestion we could really get behind. I’d love to get some more suggestions. Tim.

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