SBDC Downloads

I was pleased to present a workshop on lean business planning recently for the El Camino College SBDC in Southern California. This page is to make good on promises I made during that session.


Presentation slides

To download my slides from the workshop: Downloadable slides from my presentation. How to do it in detail depends on the browser, so I hope I don’t have it wrong for you … but on mine, you click the link, it opens the file, and you then use “Save-as” to save to your system.


eBook Lean Planning with LivePlan

To download the LivePlan version of my new book on Lean Business Planning:  How to do it in detail depends on the browser, so I hope I don’t have it wrong for you … but on mine, you click the link, it opens the file, and you then use “Save-as” to save to your system.

LivePlan version of my new Book, Lean Business Planning
