Pitch Deck Does Not Stand Alone

Yes, thank you. VC Stu Phillips points out that the so-called "pitch deck" doesn’t stand alone.

"It’s a prop to help YOU tell a COMPELLING story and get the next meeting. You are the star of the show and without your participation the pitch will be flat regardless of the knowledge and experience of the reader."

The uppercase there is his, not mine. I think it helps him make his point.

And his post helps make the important point that a pitch is not a plan. It’s about a plan.

The normal process for seeking venture capital investment includes both a summary memo and a pitch presentation that describe a business plan. Lately the trend is to emphasize the pitch when describing the process, but the point is that the pitch is in person, not a set of slides you can just send; and that the pitch describes the plan.

"This may be a controversial suggestion to my colleagues in the Venture world but resist requests from VCs to "send me the pitch deck" before the meeting.

"Neither the executive summary nor the pitch deck are a standalone business plan."

— Tim

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