MBA Get Rich Quick and Easy — Not

From a letter in yesterday’s New York Times:

The M.B.A. program was never designed as a personal get-rich-quick plan. It’s about entrepreneurship, building organizations and preparing for a lifetime of principled leadership in all kinds of operations — not just on Wall Street, but around the world.

For a significant number of young women and men, business school provides valuable knowledge, skills and perspectives that will transform potential into a real capacity for leadership. A rigorous M.B.A. education is an excellent long-term investment.

That’s signed by Carl Kester, a finance professor and deputy dean for academic affairs at the Harvard Business School.  It’s here as a follow-up to my posts MBA buzzwords and Reflections on MBA experience.

Here’s the link to the letter, although it might require signing up for NYTimes Select — which is now free, but presumably still requires registration.

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