Freedom Cheddar

I like this label. My wife bought this cheese yesterday at the local farmer’s market that runs on Tuesdays in the summer. I apologize for the quality — not the best scan — and in case you can’t read it, the main text block on the label reads:

"Freedom from hunger & thirst, freedom from discomfort, freedom from fear & distress, freedom from pain, injury & disease, freedom to express normal behavior."

Not bad for a piece of cheese, no?

One thought on “Freedom Cheddar

  1. How interesting to find this entry online. I bought a package of it at the Costco in Seattle for a very competitive price compared to Safeway cheeses also in the beginning of August. Thanks Costco!

    Too bad it isn't local, but what a great policy fair trade for animals. =)

    Guilt free dairy just makes my day, and this stuff really is tasty!

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