Late for the Trash

I just logged into my account and found this picture as picture of the year on the main page. Title is "Late for the Trash," and the photographer  is Trent Bell. I don’t know what presentation I’ll use it for yet, but I couldn’t resist. It’s a really good visual.

I’ve been a happy customer of iStockphoto for two or three years now. They have a great inventory of stock photos, with a very serviceable keyword search, and I can download immediately when I’m working on a presentation. It’s not expensive. This one (it’s smallest size, 447 x 268 pixels, which is fine for blog purposes) cost me one credit, and I can buy 10 credits for $14, or 50 for $65. It used to be 30 credits for $25, so maybe I shouldn’t be posting this. The pictures come in four sizes, from extra small to large, and the large, in this case, would have been 3000 x 1804, which would have been 10 credits.

This is what I do nowadays for presentations. Nobody wants to read bullets anyhow, so I use a photo to highlight, a title, and I pretty much know what I want to say. I hate PowerPoint as a teleprompter.

And, by the way, gulp, I don’t take money to plug sites or products. I pay iStockphoto, for example, they don’t pay me. I was about to publish this post when I realized some people, especially newcomers to this blog, might think I’m just hidden advertising. I’d hate for you to think that. I do recommend books, and occasionally software, and especially books and software I’ve written and helped to develop; but you know which they are. My bias on my own books and software is out there and I hope very open.

I make that addition for newcomers. I think if you’ve been with me for a while you’ve already figured that out.

2 thoughts on “Late for the Trash

  1. No, Mr. Berry, I do not feel like I'm being treated to an advertisement or a plug every time I come here. I feel like I've been given a free pass to a marketing seminar. . .I'm sure you know how much they can be worth.

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