3 Business Planning Posts in Different Places

I’ve been busy this week, with posts about business planning appearing on my column at entrepreneur.com, my post on Industry Word, and a post on Amex OPEN Forum. Meanwhile, I had one of those travel disasters — boring, you know the drill — getting out of San Francisco. Well, not getting out of San Francisco, stuck instead in an airport hotel. So it seems a good time to share those three other posts:

  1. First, on my column at entrepreneur.com, 5 questions your business plan should answer. Hire people? Change locations? Change pricing? The idea is that if you keep a business plan alive, and maintain good planning process, then your business plan can answer those questions.
  2. Second, as a guest blogger on community.sba.gov, I posted 5 planning fundamentals for every business.
  3. And on Amex OPEN, the real heart of planning as management, steer your business with plan vs. actual.

All three of these are about real business planning, not just a business plan document, but running your business better.

(image: Dimitri Shironosov/shutterstock)

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