Presentation Zen: the Book

If ever there were a message the business world needs, it’s better presentations, please. Do a quick Web search and you’ll find ample writing by several smart people — you can start with Seth Godin and Guy Kawasaki — on how to do presentations better than the “death by PowerPoint” style, also known as boring bullet points.

One of the most visible and most vocal people on this theme is Garr Reynolds, whose blog is Presentation Zen, and whose new book is also Presentation Zen, now available for pre-ordering on

I’m really looking forward to getting this book. Here I am recommending it before I’ve even read it. I feel confident making that recommendation because I’ve been reading that blog and I feel like I understand what  the author is saying.

If you’re ever doing slide presentations with PowerPoint or Keynote,  and you haven’t had a chance to look  at and think about presentation techniques, then  do yourself and your audience a favor. Take a look at some of these blog posts,  consider this book.

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